“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” ~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Never Ever Give Up

This morning I was feeling a little weary from the tasks that lay ahead, namely my senior paper. I usually love to write, but this time...I don't know...I guess I have what is called writers block. The words just don't seem to want to come. Last night I finally gave up and went to bed very discouraged. I spent most of the night laying awake disheartened and trying to figure out what I am going to do...I have less then a week 15 pages to write and a 15 minute video to edit.

This morning when I got up I started watching some of the videos I have favorited because...well, they inspire me. While watching I came across one that I hadn't seen before. In it had this picture. Here a stork is trying to eat a frog and the frog is having none of it. He is going to fight with every breathe that is left in him.

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