“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” ~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Is News Media Biased?

As I was reading a book entitled, "Power of the News Media," I came across this quote by former senator Alan Simpson, "Well, [the media are] not there to be cheerleaders. We wouldn't expect that of them. But they're there to replace one ism with another ism. They're there to replace skepticism with patriotism..." How much should we be relying on the media for our information? Our we getting news media or propaganda? If news mediums are presenting information that is biased, are they perpetuating conflicts?

Another thought I found was in a book entitled, "Critical Studies in Media Commercialism." In this book it talks about how audiences have come to "expect fast-paced, visually exciting programmes." What kind of effects does this have on the political life? The book suggests that "the effect on political life will be devastating. There will be less emphasis on issues, substance, and ideology, and an increase in the importance of image and style."

What effects does news media have on political decisions? What effects does news media have on public opinions towards other people?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

US-Mexico Border: Immigration

Immigration has always caused problems within the US. The Alien and Sedition Act of 1798, looked at the French ethnicity and ideology as the enemy. In the 1850's the Irish were seen as "savages" as a substantial number migrated to the US. During WWI there was intense hatred for the Germans (even those among us as American citizens). During WWII the Japanese were looked upon as enemies. Then during the 1950's a fear for the Communist enemy projected a suspicion upon the Southeastern European countries. Today, the target is Mexico and Central America.

What is the definition of an American? Who does this definition include? exclude? With a continuing wave of undocumented immigrants, concern has been raised concerning Americas security and welfare. Should there be a wall built on the border between the US and Mexico to control this influx of immigration? Why or why not?

This conflict between Mexico and the US has many layers and can be looked at in many ways. The more I have looked into it the more complex it becomes. I believe that there are some very deep roots that go clear back to our founding fathers that play into this conflict, but I would like to hear your thoughts and feelings on the subject of immigration and the US-Mexico border.